
Saloons quicky became a staple of Park County settlements. The Senate Saloon is featured in many photos of 1800s Fairplay. The saloon was advertised to host “the best wines, liquors, and cigars sold in Park County.”[1] Along with saloons, billiard halls, and breweries also created recreational spaces for settlers of Park County.

Fairplay Flume, April 23, 1915

Ad in Fairplay Flume, April 23, 1915


One of these notable breweries was called Summer Brewery. Leonhard Summer constructed the establishment in Fairplay 1973, which promptly burnt to ashes in a fire a few months later.

Eventually, another brewery was constructed. As written in the Fairplay Flume,

“Mr. Summer is a brewer of many year’s experience, and as he uses none but the best of materials in the manufacture of his premium beer he produces a strictly pure article, as many hundreds of patrons can testify to. Its merits are widely known throughout the state, and more particularly in Lake and Park counties.”[2]

[1] “The Senate Saloon,” The Fairplay Flume, May 7, 1915,
[2] “South Park Brewery,” Fairplay Flume, March 27, 1879,, 2.